Introduction: The Main Futsal Rules
Knowing the Main Rules of Futsal is important for you who wants to play Futsal,for you want to start playing Futsal and for you who like Futsal is that knowing better its main rules. So, The Physical Education Tips prepared an illustrated guide on the top 10 futsal rules. Good reading! 😉
01) What size futsal court?
The Futsal court is a rectangle and its measurements are:
- FIFAinternational competitions : 38 to 42 meters long and 20 to 25 meters wide.
- National competitions (Brazil) adult and under-20: minimum 38 meters long and minimum of 18 meters wide.
- National women’s adult competitions, south-20, under-17 and under-15 and national competitions but men’s under-17 and under-15 the minimum length is 36 meters and the minimum width is 18 meters
02) What size of FUTSAL BEAMS?
The size of the Gol or Traves de Futsal is 3 meters wide between the posts, and the height of the indent is 2 meters in relation to the ground.

Futsal substitutions are unlimited during gameplay. However, there is an area where, mandatorily, replacements will be made in Futsal, which is in front of each reserve bank / technical area with 5 meters wide.
04) A Futsal Teams IS FORMED by how many players?
A Futsal team consists of 5 players, one of them being the goalkeeper. In official competitions the maximum number of bookings is 9 athletes. Futsal substitutions are unlimited. Substitutions can be made with the ball in play or out of play, provided that in the REPLACEMENT ZONE.
05) How long is a FUTSAL MATCH?
A futsal match is timed and divided into two equal times. For adult matches, under-20 and under-17 will be two time of 20 minutes, while for under-15 matches, it will be two times of 15 minutes. The interval between game times should be a maximum of 15 minutes.
In Futsal it is not allowed the goalkeeper to keep the ball for more than 4 seconds,with his feet or with his hands, in his defense court. On the attack court the goalkeeper can touch the ball freely and for as long as he wants as a line player.
It is allowed only a ball kick for the goalkeeper, and he cannot receive the ball indented using his hands. After a recoil, he can only receive the ball on his defense court if he touches an opponent.
- the team has a player expelled, will be left with one player less for 2 minutes or until they concede a goal.
- If both teams have players expelled and have the same number of players on the court, the team will only be recomposing after 2 minutes.
- If both teams have players expelled, but one of the teams is outnumbered by having had more players expelled, the team in numerical inferiority can have the replacement of a player after conceding a goal. Ex.:Team A had two players expelled, team B had 1 player expelled, if team A, which is outnumbered, suffera goal before after 2 minutes after expulsion, team A may have the replacement of a player.
The side shot in futsal is charged with the feet, the ball must be placed on the line or up to 25 centimeters off the court, the player who charge the side shot can not be with his feet inside the court. The charge must be made in 4 seconds. No direct goal from lateral shooting is allowed.
09) THE SHOT / GOAL Shot in Futsal
The goal shot in Futsal must be charged exclusively by the goalkeeper, using his hands, within uses goal area and within 4 seconds.
10) THE CORNER SHOT / Corner in Futsal
The corner/corner shot in Futsal is charged with the ball in the fourth circle, with the feet in up to 4 seconds.
- The Rules of Futsal for Goalkeeper
- Futsal Players’ Positions
- The Futsal Court
- Futsal Techniques
- All Official Futsal Rules
Watch the full video on the 17 Futsal Rules of the Physical Education Tips Channel.