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Substitution Zone in Futsal

Substitution Zone in Futsal

Where is the Substitution Zone in Futsal?

The substitution zone in futsal is located on the sideline where the benches are, and is opposite the benches of each team.

How Big is the Replacement Zone in Futsal?

Each Futsal substitution zone is located in front of the technical area of each team’s bench and is 05 (five) meters wide.

The substitution zones are demarcated with 80 (eighty) centimeter long lines, 40 (forty) centimeters inside the court and 40 (forty) centimeters outside the court with a width of 08 (eight) centimeters.

Substitution Zone in Futsal


What is the substitution zone in futsal?

This space of 05 (five) meters, situated between these 80 (eighty) centimeter lines, is the Substitution Zone, that is, it is the place where players must enter and leave the court on the occasion of regular substitutions during the game.

Where is the Substitution Zone for each team?

The substitution zone for each team is always located in its team’s defense court.

Reverse Player Positioning

The reserve players must remain seated on their respective benches or warming up in the appropriate places determined by the referees, on the sidelines or on the back line until the corner kick is taken 05 (five) meters.

Table and Replacement Zone

The space in front of the notation and timing table is five (5) meters each side of the middle court divider line and must always remain clear.

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