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Handball Ball Size – Women, Men and Children

Handball Ball Size - Women, Men and Children

Introduction: the Female and Male Handball

In this article we will explain the Handball Ball Size. We will show the ball used by children, women and men.

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Educação Física Material de Educação Física

The official Handball of the IHF are known by the names of: H3 ball (used in men’s Handball), H2 ball (used in women’s Handball and other amateur categories) and the H1 ball (used for initiation of children in handball).


  • Material de Educação Física
  • Educafit – Cursos de Educação Física Online
  • Cursos de Futsal Online
  • Cursos de Voleibol Online
  • Cursos de Futebol Online
  • Curso Preparatório para Concursos de Educação Física online
  • Pages: 1 2

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