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How long does a Handball match last?

Quanto tempo dura uma partida de Handebol oficial?

How long does a Professional Handball match last?

A Handball match for players aged 16 and over is 2 halves of 30 minutes.

The game interval in Handball is normally 10 minutes.

How long does a Handball match for Children and Teenagers last?

A handball match for children and teenagers aged between 12 and 16 years is 2 x 25 minutes, and in the age group between 8 and 12 the time is 2 x 20 minutes.

In both cases, the game interval is normally also 10 minutes.

Extra time in handball

Gaming time in Handball

If a Handball match ends in a draw and a winner needs to be determined, there will be Extra Time or Extra Time.

Extra time in Handball must begin after a 5-minute break.

An extra time in handball lasts 2 halves of 5 minutes with a 1-minute break.

If after the first extra time the game remains tied, there will be another extra time.

If the second overtime ends in a draw, the winner will be determined in accordance with the competition regulations.

One of the ways used to define the winner after two tied overtimes is the 7 meter Shots.

Decision by 7 meter shot

If the 7-meter throw is used as a tiebreaker, only players who are not excluded or disqualified at the end of the playing time are authorized to take part in the kick-off.

Each team nominates 5 players. These players perform one shot each, alternating with players on the opposing team.

It is not necessary for teams to predetermine the sequence of their players.

Goalkeepers can be freely chosen and replaced among the players able to participate.

Players can also participate in the 7-meter shot as shooters and goalkeepers.

Technical Time-Out Request in handball

Each team has the right to request a 1-minute technical timeout in each period of regular play.



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