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Rules of Attack in Volleyball


Rules of Attack in Volleyball

Learn about the Rules of Attack in Volleyball, understand the Attack Hit Restrictions in Volleyball and the Attack Hit Faults in Volleyball.


All of the actions that send the ball to the opponent, except the service and the block, are considered attack hits.

During an attack hit the ball must be hit cleanly and not carried or thrown.

The attack hit is completed when the whole ball crosses the vertical plane above the net or when the ball is touched by an opponent.


The players on the front line (attack zone or net) may complete an attack hit at any height provided that the contact with the ball is made within the playing space of his or her own team (except when the ball comes from an opponent’s service or when it is set with a Set by a Libero positioned in the attack zone).

A player from the back line (back zone) may complete an attack at any height, behind the attack zone if:

  • during the takeoff, the player’s foot (or feet) must neither have touched nor crossed the attack line;

  • after the hit, the player is allowed to fall within the front zone;

  • A player from the back line may also complete an attack hit in the front zone if, at the moment of contact, part of the ball is under the level of the top of the net.

  • None of the players may complete an attack hit following the opponent’s service, when the ball is in the attack zone and completely above the top edge of the net.

Rules of Attack in Volleyball


The following actions are considered attack hit faults in Volleyball:

  • A player hits the ball within the playing space of the opponent team.

  • A player hits the ball and sends it “out”.

  • A player from the back line completes an attack hit within the front zone if, at the moment of the hit, the ball is completely above the top edge of the net.

  • A player completes an attack hit following an opponent’s service when the ball is in the front zone and completely above the top edge of the net.

  • A Libero completes an atack hit if, at the moment of the hit, the ball is completely above the top edge of the net.

  • A player completes an attack hit above the top edge of the net when the ball comes from a pass (volley) with the fingertips, performed by a Libero positioned at the attack zone of his or her own team.



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