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Hand on Ball in Football: FIFA Rules

Hand on Ball in FIFA Football

​Hand on Ball in Football: FIFA Rules

​What is Hand on Ball in Football?

When a player touches the football ball with his hand or arm during the game, an infraction, i.e. a foul, will be called.

​Is Hand on Ball a Direct or Indirect Shot?

Hand on ball in Football is a Direct Free Kick foul, i.e. it can be taken directly towards the opponent’s goal.

​When Should Hand be Marked in Football?

In order to clearly determine the hand on ball infractions in football, FIFA has defined that the arm begins at the upper armpit.


Hand on Ball in Football: FIFA Rules

A hand on ball foul is awarded when a player:

  • Deliberately touching the ball with your hand/arm;

  • Score a goal on the opposing team, after the ball has touched his hand or arm, even if unintentionally, including the goalkeeper.

  • After the ball touches his hand or arm and, even if unintentionally, immediately scores a goal on the opposing team;

  • After the ball touches his hand or arm and, even if unintentionally, immediately creates a scoring opportunity;

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  • Touch the ball with your hand or arm when in an unnatural position, extending the body space;

  • Touch the ball with your hand or arm when your hand or arm is above or beyond shoulder height or level.

The above situations also characterize an infraction when the ball touches the hand/arm of a player, coming directly from the head, body (including the foot) of another player who is near him.

​No Hand in Football

It is not considered a hand in Football if the ball touches your hand or arm:

Coming directly from the player’s own head or body (including foot);

Coming directly from the head or body (including the foot) of another player who is nearby;

When the hand or arm is close to the body without widening the space (except in the situations mentioned above);

When a player falls and the hand or arm is between his body and the point of support from the ground, but not extended away from the body, laterally or vertically.

​Goalkeeper’s Hand Outside his Area

Outside his own penalty area, the goalkeeper is subject to the same rules as other players for touching the ball with his hands.

​Hand on Ball and Indirect Shooting

If the goalkeeper touches the ball with his hand inside his own penalty area without being authorized to do so, an indirect free kick is awarded, but there is no disciplinary penalty. E.g.: Touching with his hands a ball that has been returned by a teammate.

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